Bentleigh Cricket Club is committed to creating a supportive environment for girls of all ages and abilities to enjoy cricket.
Girls aged 5 – 10:
Junior Blasters and Master Blasters
Junior Blasters and Master Blasters has seen an explosion in interest and participation of girls. From a handful of girls 5 years ago, girls now average 30% of our participants.
Junior Blasters is focused on ages 5 - 7. It focuses on games and activities to develop skills and having fun. Click here for more info
Master Blasters is a modified T20 version of the game ideal for ages 7 – 10. Our teams tend to be mixed teams as girls and boys start to learn the basics of game play. The format encourages girls and boys to participate in all aspects of the game fielding, batting, bowling and wicket keeping. A great foundation for girls to learn the skills and game play with a strong emphasis on making sure all are able to participate whatever their level of cricket skills.

Our teams welcome players of all abilities and experience. Prior experience is not required. We operate an equipment loan scheme so you don't need to go out and buy lots of expensive equipment.
Girls aged 9 – 18:
All Girls Cricket Competition
For girls ready to join competition cricket we offer the opportunity to play in the All Girls Cricket Competition. There is no set minimum age to play, however we would suggest age 9 is when girls start being ready for competition cricket. Girls are also welcome to join our Rookies and other junior teams and we have a number of girls who play in both the All Girls teams and other junior mixed teams at the club.
Training is undertaken at Bentleigh Reserve on Friday nights 4:30 to 6:00pm.
Ages based on age as at 1st September of the current season year.
Games are played on Wednesday nights at 5:00 - 7:30pm. -
Games are played on Wednesday nights at 5:00 - 7:30pm. -
Games are played on Tuesday nights 5:00pm - 7:30pm
To register, click the Play Cricket button above. All players must be registered to play. Registration should be completed as soon as possible to be enable club planning for the season to take place. For girls that wish to play both All-Girls cricket and in a junior mixed team registration for both All-Girls and Mixed Junior cricket is required.
Junior players can be selected to trial for representative teams for summer carnivals usually played over the January holiday period. Click the button below for more details on pathways for Juniors at Bentleigh Cricket Club.
Bentleigh Women’s team provides girls with the opportunity to continue their cricket. Some girls choose to play both girls and women’s cricket. The minimum age to play senior women’s cricket is 13, this allows mums and daughters the fantastic experience of playing together. The Women’s team play in the Cricket Southern Bayside Women’s Competition on Sunday afternoons. For more info click here.
If you'd like more information about girls cricket at BCC, contact our Junior Coordinator