Child Safety & Protection
Child Safety Officer:
Mark Gill Ph 0405 801 092
Complaints Manager:
Jason Abraham Ph 0409 218 511

Bentleigh Cricket Club recognises that children need special care and attention. As such, all Cricket organisations (including Bentleigh Cricket Club) are committed to the protection and safety of children.
We aim to protect the welfare of children involved in the sport of cricket by creating, implementing and complying with the following measures.
In recognising the need for an emphasis to be placed on the safety of children in cricket, we commit to the legislated Victorian 11 Child Safe Standards (from 1 July 2022):
Establish a culturally safe environment in which the diverse and unique identities and experience of Aboriginal Children and Young People are respected and valued
Embed Child Safety and Wellbeing in organisational leadership, governance and culture
Empower Children and Young People so that they know their rights, participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously
Inform and engage families in respect to child safety and wellbeing
Ensure that equity & diversity is upheld through our policies and practices
Engage volunteers and officials to ensure that they are suitable to work with Children and Young People
Handle complaints and concerns promptly, thoroughly and with a child focused approach
Educate volunteers, staff (if applicable) and officials – in consultation with Cricket Victoria and Cricket Australia-to provide them with the knowledge and skills to keep Children and Young People safe
Promote the safety & wellbeing of Children and Young People through physical and online environments
Review and improve our child safe policies, procedures, and practices regularly
Role model behaviour and actions documented in policies, procedures and practices guiding how our organisation is safe for Children and Young People
We will, in addition to the above, also take reasonable steps to promote the cultural safety of Aboriginal children and children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds as well as promoting the safety of children with a disability.
Bentleigh Cricket Club has adopted Australian Cricket's policy for Safeguarding children and young people.This is a national policy adopted by all state and territory cricket associations and clubs. Our aim is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for all children and young people.
In compliance with our responsibilities under this policy we have formally adopted Australian cricket's commitment for safeguarding children and young people.